2023 癸卯年 肖兔 喜迎新歲!❲Welcome the year of Rare 2023]
兔年同慶 公所聚會 二零二三 ❲Happy Chinese New Year of "Rare" 2023❳
二月四日 參加余氏春宴 場面熱鬧 多人得獎 皆大歡喜!又二月五日 公所例會 順便慶祝 癸卯年 ❲肖兔❳ 特備豐富 午餐供給謝氏宗親好友們享用興 場面熱鬧歡樂 ❲順特謝曼楚姑提供美相❳!
❲After Yee's Family dinner party following next day Tses Family in celebration of the Chinese New Year by providing a special lunch to each one of the members and up with a happy ending❳